HALO is the Latest Power Couple You Need to Know
- Posted on: Mar 4 2019
We are passionate about giving our patients the kind of beauty they want; the kind of beauty that looks like it came straight from Mother Nature, herself. As you may know, achieving this effortless look of youthfulness doesn’t come easy. Or does it? When you know the power couple that we know, aka HALO, your days of drab, sun-damaged skin may be numbered.
HALO is an innovative laser device. How can we refer to it as a power couple? This is the easy part.
The HALO device carries both ablative and non-ablative technology. Each has a unique way of affecting the skin. Ablative laser treatments are the type that you may have heard of before. The standard CO2 lasers that paved the way to the methods we have today were ablative; they would virtually blast off the top layer of your face. Ouch!
To be ablative today means something quite different than it did back then. The ablative laser aspect of HALO treatment does vaporize the uppermost layer of skin cells. However, it does it so gently that patients describe the treatment as only mildly uncomfortable (think of a 3 on a 1 to 10 scale). By removing a precise layer of cells, this treatment improves texture, tone, and can even reduce scars and wrinkles.
The non-ablative aspect of HALO treatment reaches beneath the skin’s surface to affect long-term change. In this mode, the device bypasses the skin to heat up the tissue in the dermis. The heating of this tissue stimulates the body to heal a perceived wound. The result is an influx of collagen and elastin to support the foundation of the skin from beneath. Collagen is a firming protein that smooths and tightens tissue, making it appear younger and healthier.
Combining both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths into a singular fractional treatment maximizes results while simultaneously minimizing the unpleasant side effects typically associated with laser skin resurfacing. By fractionating a single laser beam into thousands of tiny pinpoints, the HALO device achieves the intended objective while immediately provoking an intensified healing response by leaving a percentage of the skin untouched.
HALO is gaining a lot of attention, and for good reason! If you’d like to learn more, contact us at (239) 415-7576 to schedule a FREE consultation.
Posted in: Procedures