Feeling a Little Brow-Beaten?
- Posted on: Apr 15 2019
Our feelings are in large part communicated through our facial expressions. The various expressions we make often involve the eyes, eyebrows, and forehead. Humans instinctively know this and therefore observe these facial features as indicators of one another’s feelings at any given moment. When the eyes are heavy beneath a drooping brow, we naturally perceive a person’s feelings as leaning toward the negative. Depending on the curvature and position of the brows, a face may appear sad, angry, or tired.
You don’t have to live with people misperceiving your feelings based on your resting facial expression. The team at Azul Cosmetic Surgery can turn that frown upside down with a streamlined brow lift procedure.
What is a Brow Lift?
A brow lift has often been referred to as a forehead lift or upper facelift. The procedure focuses on the uppermost region of the face, where horizontal lines, vertical frown lines, and sagging eyebrows alter the expression of the face. During brow lift surgery, the tissue across the forehead is lifted using a careful technique that repositions the brow across the upper orbital rim.
Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery
For patients of Azul Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Flaherty prefers to perform brow lifts using an endoscopic technique. An endoscopic brow lift is performed using IV sedation and a local anesthetic. To release and reposition the brow and forehead tissue, only 4 tiny incisions are needed. These are made behind the hairline, where resulting (tiny) scars will be well-hidden. By releasing the brow, Dr. Flaherty sets the stage for optimal repositioning that follows the natural curvature of the face. The end result is a natural, refreshed appearance.
Endoscopic brow lift surgery can achieve a number of goals, including:
- Removing forehead lines and frown lines.
- Raising the eyebrows to a higher, natural-looking position (you won’t look perpetually surprised!).
- Refreshing the facial expression to appear more youthful, energetic, and friendly.
Your face says a lot about you. If the signs of aging are causing your face to betray the true sense of who you are and you’d like to regain your personality in your appearance, contact our office at (239) 415-7576. Together, we can accurately identify the problem at hand and devise a plan to bring your best look back to life.
Posted in: Browlift