Over time, some people start to lose some of the fullness in their face. Although this patient had a very mild case of losing fullness, the use of fillers on her forehead, marionette lines and lower lids makes her look less tired and stressed.
Not all patients come into Azul Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Spa to seek help correcting wrinkles, lines and lost laxity in the skin. This patient was experiencing hallowness in her cheekbones so with the use of fillers, Britten Stine was able to help this patient fill out the rest of her face.
This case is a great way to show how Sculptra really does continue to work over time. The first set of photos were taken early in the year and the following photos are the results from about ten months later. Sculptra helped this woman in her mid-thirties regain fullness around her eyes, cheeks, jawline and … Read More »
Britten, our Nurse Practitioner, used Sculptra to give this patient more of a youthful and tighter look. Four vials of Sculptra was used on this patient to correct both shallow and deep wrinkles as well as create fullness in the nasolabial folds and mariontette lines.
Sculptra was used on this patient to help fill in wrinkles and deeper lines on her face over time. The Sculptra product helps re-build natural collegen in the injection area for long term results.
Two vials of Sculptra were used on this patient to help fill in hallowness and tighten the jaw and neck line. There is a period of eight weeks between her before and after photos which shows how great the collagen has built back up in her face. Subtle results over time provides for a natural, … Read More »
A CO2 laser treatment on the full face tightened and filled out deep wrinkles on this patient. She also had dermabrasion on her upper lip which “sands” away finer wrinkles and lines.
This patient was able to rid of most of the deeper wrinkles on her face with a CO2 laser treatment. She also had an endoscopic brow lift and fat augmentation to give her eyes more of a open look and to fill in hallowness around the cheeks.
A CO2 laser on the full face of this patient and dermabrasion on the upper lip allowed the deeper wrinkles to be smoothed out and the tightness to come back to her face. The redness that is visable in the after photo is a common side affect after recieving these procedures but the skin does … Read More »