It’s All in the Brows! How to Look Years Younger with a Brow Lift!

By Debbie

When you think “signs of aging,” do you think “wrinkles”?

When we talk about looking older, we generally talk about wrinkles, skin texture and color, and loss of volume. But the reality is that facial aging is about far more than just those symptoms, it’s about what those signs of aging do to your face and expression. For example, wrinkles on the forehead can give you the appearance of looking disapproving or stern. Sagging eyebrows can make you look tired and unengaged, with a lack of energy, or even make you look angry. Although non-surgical procedures like Botox or dermal fillers do a fantastic job at addressing some of these symptoms on a short-term basis, but if your brows are truly sagging, for a long-term rejuvenating solution, there is nothing more effective than an endoscopic brow lift for aging of the upper face.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Years ago, brow lifts gained a reputation for resulting in unnatural expressions of surprise. A large incision was made across the forehead and the forehead would be permanently raised, sometimes creating the appearance of non-stop shock. It might have gotten rid of the wrinkles, but it sometimes left you with an unnatural expression. Thankfully, technology and technique have come a long way since then. Today, an endoscopic brow lift is one of the most popular and effective ways to take years off your face and expression, while leaving you with a natural-looking result.

With over 20 years of cosmetic surgery experience, Dr. Flaharty is a master of the small-incision endoscopic brow lift. Instead of one large incision, the modern version of a brow lift uses tiny incisions that are hidden along your hairline. These small incisions allow Dr. Flaharty to release the tissue, and then lift your entire brow. He uses a pencil-sized camera to help guide him in repositioning the brow under the skin to give you the lift you are looking for. Everything is essentially done underneath the skin. The next step is the modern fixation technique, where small bio-absorbable sutures are attached to the bone to hold the new shape of the brow in place. Subsequently, your tissue will heal and these devices are absorbed by the body, leaving your brow lift fixed into place.

An endoscopic brow lift allows Dr. Flaharty to provide you with long-lasting results – reducing forehead furrows and frown lines, minimizing wrinkles and lifting heavy brow tissue which can in help your eyes appear more open. Basically, you will end up with a much more alert and awake expression, restoring the appearance of energy and youth. One of the best parts of the endoscopic brow lift is how subtle, yet noticeable, it is. Your friends and family will be able to tell that something is different about you, but they won’t quite be able to put their finger on exactly what it is. All they will know is that you look better than ever, which is what you always want from a cosmetic procedure.

Although an endoscopic brow lift is a surgical procedure, no large incisions are involved. The small incisions are all placed along your hairline and sealed with stitches, tape or clips. It only takes about two weeks for these to heal and the stitches to be removed. Any remnants of the incisions are hidden by your hairline. As with all surgical procedures, swelling and bruising of the affected tissue means that it may take a few months for you to see your final results. Negative after-effects tend to be minimal, with headache and discomfort being the most common. The best part about an endoscopic brow lift is how long your results can last. Unlike Botox or dermal fillers, which can require constant maintenance procedures a few times a year, you can expect the results of your brow lift to be essentially permanent (last 10 years or longer).

There are few surgical procedures that give you quite as much bang for your buck as an endoscopic brow lift. Endoscopic brow lifts are often complemented by other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as face and neck lifts or eyelid surgery, giving you a full harmonious facial rejuvenation. If you’re interested in learning more about endoscopic brow lifts, or any other cosmetic surgical procedures, you can schedule a free consultation with Dr. Flaharty by calling us at (239) 415-7576. If you would like more details about all of the surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures we offer at Azul, including before and after pics, please visit our website at You can rest assured that a brow lift will leave you with an expression of energy, youth and alertness that will reflect how you truly feel inside.

Posted in: Procedures

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